About the Frassati Society
We are a group of Catholic young adults that patterns our activities after the life of our patron, Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati (1901-1925). As a university student, he spent his time adoring Jesus in the Eucharist, reaching out to the poor and ignored, standing up for truth in politics and culture, speaking to youth, climbing mountains with friends, playing sports, going to museums and the opera, reciting Dante, and even playing pranks – to name just a few uses of his time!
It is not our desire to provide yet one more activity for people to do. Due to the independent, busy and transient nature of young adults today, our hope is to connect young adults who share the "spirit of Frassati" and lead them a little deeper into the Body of Christ. Fostering friendship through the common language of beauty found in God, the outdoors and culture, we welcome people of any or no faith to join in our activities: